Monday, August 2, 2010

Hey Everybody!

As you know, I am studying abroad at the University of Ghana for the Fall semester. I am following orders and making a blog so that whoever is interested can read what I have been up to. Disclaimer: I do not promise to be deep or exciting.

As of right now, I am finishing up packing and having a sleep over with my little sister. I think I should have read more about Ghana because right now I feel like I have no idea what I have gotten myself into.

A little back story:
I wanted to study abroad but I probably would not be unless I had switched majors into International Relations where it is a requirement. I wanted to go to Ghana because it was a little out of my comfort zone. Europe would have been great for political involvement but right now I think I want to work more in the international development field so Ghana seemed like a great place to go to learn about successful modern development. I wanted to go for the summer and visit Togo and Benin because I am minoring in French and I thought it would look good on my transcript that I had spent time in a francophone country. So I applied for the summer trip and with the help of great letters of recommendation I got in. At the pre-trip meeting I felt weird as we went over a fully-loaded itinerary. I felt like one month abroad, no matter how much was squeezed in, would not really give me the experience I wanted.
A week later I was talking to Nick Yelle who had been to Ghana for a semester and when I mentioned wishing I had applied to the semester program he arranged a meeting for me with Brooke Ashley the coordinator. She graciously allowed me to submit an application. Many weeks, letters, meetings, and phone calls later I finished the application and more weeks later I received my letter of acceptance from the University of Ghana.
It has taken a lot of work to get to this point and I have had a lot of help along the way from teachers, co-workers, advisors, friends and family. I can remember 3 times where I felt like it was impossible to complete it all in time and praying to God that He would help a disorganized, scatter-brained kid do something like this and here I am.

So thanks to everyone who helped or encouraged me when I felt like giving up. I may not know exactly what I am getting myself into but whatever it is: I am jumping in. I am determined to get the most out of this amazing opportunity.

I'll miss you America. Ghana here I come!

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